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Charlotte High School

7:10am - 2:10pm | Phone: (941) 575-5450


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Please note that event ending times are estimated.

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January 8, 2025

Project Graduation

All CHS parents are invited to join in on the fun of planning this year's event for our seniors. Please come find out what it is all about! Meetings are at 6pm in the Media Center on these dates: Ja. . .


This 2nd Semester, we are implementing new CHS Student Participation Requirements to help encourage all of our students to have good attendance so they receive the full benefit from our instructional programs.  All students must be in good standing regarding attendance, academics, and discipline to participate in “extra” curricular activities. Extracurricular activities/privileges include, but are not limited to:  Participating in athletics, co-curriculars like, band, chorus, NJROTC, and theatre, clubs, and OJT, attending our Prom, utilizing parking privileges on campus, maintaining their driver’s license privileges, attending school-wide events, and walking in our graduation commencement.

The following are the requirements:  Absences must not exceed 25% of lost instructional time per period, students must carry a minimum of a 2.0 unweighted GPA or above (*If less than a 2.0 weighted GPA, current grades need to be 2.0 or greater) and be passing all core classes needed for graduation, have no zero-tolerance referrals, and have no repeat OSS/ISS infractions.

We want to continue having high expectations at Charlotte High and believe that prevention is key to each of our Tarpons’ success. If a student fails to meet one of the above requirements, a parent/guardian may reach out to request a meeting with our Assistant Principal in charge of activities, Kate Pyle, to develop an improvement plan to help a student get back on track. Please call Lauri Kennedy at 941-575-5450, ext. *7112 to set up an appointment if you are concerned about your child not meeting these participation requirements.




Charlotte County’s First & Finest

A brick building with the words 'Charlotte High School' above the entrance, surrounded by palm trees.

Charlotte High School is known as Charlotte County's First and Finest High School. Having first opened its doors in 1926, CHS is rich in history, community support, and tradition. Our unique mascot, the Fighting Tarpon, was chosen as a fitting mascot for Charlotte High School because of the tarpon's tenacity, survivability and majesty.

A tarpon wearing boxing gloves and a sailor hat, with the word 'TARPONS' spelled out in large letters, and a list of values below: Honor Tradition, Act Responsibly, Respect Themselves & Others, Pursue Excellence, Overcome Obstacles, Nurture Relationships, & Have School Spirit!

Our Mission
Be a Learner, Be a Leader, Be a Tarpon!

Our Vision
"Tarpons have MOJO" which stands for: Motivation for success, Ownership of our actions, Journeys through education, and Optimism for the future. We continue to promote a culture where Tarpons do their best, do what is right and treat others the way they wish to be treated.